Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stories Ray has told....#shacknews

it's a damn shame all of the threads have been nuked about ray & what he said....

i'm really bummed. i signed up for your site & was all ready to watch this bullshit drama unfold & low & behold - it's gone!

anyhow, last night i was thinking of some of the stories ray likes to tell.... figured i would share those. some of you may have heard them before!

1. There are always lots of stories where someone has died. his father supposedly died by getting shot in the head - his dad supposedly worked for the FBI and also the DEA and was a police officer. Daddy got shot because some random guatamalans didn't like that he had busted them for drugs, or something to that effect. Miraculously, Ray was able to save his mom from being raped (!!) and shot & killed the drug dealer/enforcer guys. This took place in Appleton, Wisc. He lost his virginity there, in Appleton, to his babysitter. He saw a cow fly & splatter all over a parking lot after a tornado while living there, too. His dad was buried in Arlington - where all of our war heros go. Because his dad was tops & great at his job, Ray has a security cleareance. He also can get into the Pentagon, natch. His connections to our government also have allowed him to bipass regular security at the airport - he just walks straight through - VIP style.

1A. THE TRUTH: Ray's father was a deadbeat & left Ray & his mom when he was a toddler. He never knew his birthfather, although they share a similar love for smoking pot. He never, ever lived in Wisconsin. He has only lived in Florida, Indiana, Michigan, & Oregon. His birth father is not dead.

2. I've heard a story about how David died when Ray was up shooting a movie in Canada. In Ray's stories - there is always someone who is the villian - this time, it was a friend of his who supposedly stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from him & the movie he was working on, ruining Ray's career. While he was embezziling this money - Ray's brother died, and Ray couldn't make it to the funeral.

2A. Ray's brother David is very much alive. No one stole money from the one & only film Ray worked on, although Ray did effectively kill the movie from coming out because he threw a bitch fit.

3. Ray said his sister was going to Northwestern & was also living in France. He stated that her college was paid for by him - naturally - & that they were super close.
3A. His sister never went to university - and certianly not Northwestern. She has never been to france.
3B. Ray would give girls kindereggs from "his sister in france" - those kinder eggs were actually stolen out of my refidgerator - they were sent to me by my best friend who does actually live in France.

4. Ray had an x cheat on him & give him an STD & then, also this same x - well, she was pregnant, & Ray was so happy to be a father - but it turned out, the baby wasn't even his! He was so heart broken that he barely got through that one. This took place in Flordia.... his x & him lived together & were engaged.
4A. Ray's x's have never cheated on him. He is the one who cheats & trolls various internet sites - Plentyoffish is his favorite - in order to find girls. He tends to go for girls who are single mothers, or girls who at the time he met them - are going through really rough life stuff. He gets the girls when they are down.
4B. Ray has had STD's to my knowledge. He never cured himself of chlamydia & instead liked to spread it around. His teeth are orange partly because of long term tetracycline treatments. It's a side effect.
4C. Babies... Did you know that Ray got a girl preggers? And that he hit this girl, stole over $2000 from her, & told her that they would be a family & he loved her & all of that? He convinced her that he would be a good father. He played with her other kids - who looked at him as a father figure. And then, one night... he just disappeared. He never came back. She tried to get ahold of him multiple times - online, through his phone.... & he wouldn't respond. Then one day he told her that she had better get a 'fucking abortion!'
4D. I should also mention that when his 'cheating x' gave him the STD's he was rendered infertile. Strange, because he is able to produce children.

5. Supernatural - yes, he worked on that! He directed episodes! He was on set all the time! And in Vancover during the Olympics. He will tell you tales about how awesome those two guys are & how he smoked weed with them & read crazy letters written by obsessive fans in their trailers. He can go on and on about supernatural.
5A. Never worked on Supernatural. Never has been to Vancover. Has yet to driect anything that has ever aired on TV.
5B. His set pictures to "prove" he was there come from an obsessive fan site.
5C. Notice, he is not listed in any of the credits. Notice, too for directing an episode - it isn't listed on IMDB.

6. 24 - yes, he also directed episodes in the last season of 24! Man, him & Kieffer totally got all crazy & went to bars. He lived in LA with 3 guys... I honestly tuned out when he talked about 24.
6A. Not listed anywhere for having done any work on 24. Clearly, he is full of it.

7. Let's see.... Movie's he worked on - Transformers, Transformers 3 (where the great heart attack took place), Captain America, Superman....
7A. Did not work on a single one. But did, actually make up a lot of stories about working on all of these films. Not listed in any credits. Not even as a lowly PA. There are some really hilarious stories that he came up with while he was living with me & working on "superman" & he even went so far as to go to Crate & Barrel & pick out furnature & get a book to order it all for his "trailer" - he had me help him pick it out. Also, he was supposed to live in Wicker Park - but he couldn't tell me where the house was. Off of the Damen stop from the L.

8. Oh Trailers! He supposedly got trailers in the mail all the time because he is a member of SAG.
He has also had major agents helping him to get jobs.
8A. His "trailers" are all downloaded from demonoid.
8B. His "agent" was one of the girls he was cheating on me with... there were two of us during this period of time that he would always come back to - both of us are listed in his phone as famous people - with our personal phone numbers.

9. Speilburg - totally loves him! They've spent oodles of time together! He's actually executive producing Ray's mini-series - Alas, Babylon.
9A. My phone number was listed as Spielburg's! Alas, Babylon has never been made. It was not being filmed in New Zealand & Timothy Olphant never signed on.


10. the friend that he filmed with - the only real film he has ever worked on -- supposedly shot himself in the head in his car after he found out how much Ray was suing him for, because the movie didn't end up getting into all of the places it should have & Ray lost a ton of money.
10A. This friend is still alive & well & never stole any money. Ray even gave a fake interview with me there next to him while he was on his phone. My guess is that no one was ever on the phone. Hilarious, or Crazy - you decide.

11. Because Ray is such a big name in Hollywood - he has a plaque dedicated to him in his old high school. He was the only person from Plymouth, Indiana to ever make something of himself.
11A. No Plaque.

12. Batman! Yes, he was in the movie "the dark knight" & also was going to be directing the latest one. But then.... oh something happened - it's confusing & batman pulled out of michigan because of the film credits but.... oh wait.... and then, you see Superman & Batman share an office..... and..... oh wait are those all lies too?

13. Did you know that Ray was hired as the "offical" Florida photograther for the John Kerry campaign?
13A. I didn't either! While Ray meticiously uploads all of his photos to websites online, there are no photos from this "job."

14. Accidents... He broke his arm, he's had a heart attack, he's been bit not once but twice by brown recluses, he's broken his leg, he's broken his fingers - he's been in major car accidents, he's had brain injuries.....
14A. Yep. Guy is sadly, as healthy as a horse.

15. The military wanted him to be a drone pilot, because he displayed a certain "moral flexability" that they were looking for. When his mom was dying though, she made him PROMISE to not go into the military like his dead dad did. He decided not to kill people with drones.
15A. Moral flexibility is the only part in this story that is true.

16. When his grandma died, he donated all of her estate & the money that he inherated to build a children's orphanage because he cares about the kids! It's located in southren, il.
16. His grandma is still very much alive.

These are just the stories that I remember off the top of my head... Do let me know if you have heard any of them! I'll give him this - He is really creative!

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